I saw this on AutoTrader and I it's quite interesting. I don't normally agree with replica's, in fact I normally have a serious problem with them, especially self built ones. I think that it is un-genuine and takes a lot a way from when you can afford the genuine article. I understand why people make them though; I imagine it is fun to build it, and it's obviously cheaper than "wasting" your money on the real thing (turns out you can get a Chesil self-build kit). I think it's more genuine if it's built by a company, and Chesil has built this Porsche 356 replica quite well. The main benefit to the Chesil is that everything is updated, it's safer and more efficient in all areas compared to the 356.
(This particular Chesil is from 2006)
The Porsche 356 is a very rare car, it is also very expensive. The Chesil Speedster is based on a VW Beetle (Porsche robbed the VW parts bin when building the original 356), it's still expensive (in my eyes), but the £30K you will pay is no where near the £150K you're paying for the (left-hand drive) real deal.
If you were to buy one new you can get them to customise it to your needs, if you buy a 356 you're sort of stuck with the spec you can get. After looking at Chesil as a company, it has brought me around the whole replica thing, but only if they are done to a high standard.