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The "-Line" Phenomenon

A horrible, infectious disease has arrived. Car manufacturers have poisoned the water supply with their "-line" models. "-line" models are standard cars, mainly hatchbacks, that have no extra oomph but look like they do. A Fiesta ST-line for example, will look like an ST, but underneath there is no difference from the standard Fiesta. This is not just a problem with Ford, a lot of manufacturers have sipped the poisoned chalice. I believe the reason this started is due to the increase in financing cars. Teens and 20 somethings want to show off to their mates on Instagram with their new cars. They want them to be sporty, but obviously with sportiness comes higher expenses. An ST will cost more in; fuel, tax, insurance and consumables (tyres etc.). Therefore companies have introduced something that looks sporty without being sporty.

As mentioned, Ford are not the only perpetrators. I shall name and shame all of the ones that I have seen (I am sure there are a lot more):

-Ford (ST-Line)

-Peugeot (GT-Line)

-VW (R-Line)

-Renault (GT-Line)

-Seat (FR-Line)

I have taken some pictures from the crime scene:

Now Audi use the "-Line" model with their own "S-Line" and I am not sure where I stand with them. I think I am actually okay with them, and I am not 100% sure why. The funny thing is, I am pretty sure they started this trend, as the "S-Line" models have been around quite a while. I would probably buy an S-Line Audi, which means that I am part of the problem......

I can only see this phenomenon ending when the electric cars end it all. Maybe even that won't kill them. Look after your family and keep them safe for as long as you can, good luck soldier.


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